Saturday, December 1, 2007

post from september 16, 2007

once again i've found some albums to enjoy so i figured i'd post 'em

Kanguru - Dreaming
This album is a really great psychedelic album, filled with sitars and happy feelings!
Get it here.

Joel Vandroogenbroek - Meditations Vol. 1
Unfortunately I have no album artwork for this one, but in the download it should have it. A really soothing album that, to Ace, is pretty dull.
Get it here.

Vampires' Sound Incorporation - Psychedelic Dance Party
This gem is a really fun album to just dance to and just enjoy the thought of the hippie era. A really fun and groovy time.
Get it here.

Slava Ranko - Arctic Hysteria
A stranger one compared to the others in this post, would be a beautiful sound addition for those of you who dug my Richard Bone post.
Get it here.

Yellow Swans - Psychic Secession
A really noisy treat for those who like hard psychedelia. A really mind-blowing album if you're in the right place for it.
Get it here.

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